Zúme – Disciple Making Movement Training
Zúme is training that equips believers so they can become multiplying disciples rather than merely converts. The full training is available in 40 languages at https://zume.training.
There are other formats available in English as follows:
1. The main training site is organized as ten small group sessions of two hours at https://zume.training.
2. Join an online facilitated group if you don’t have a small group to study with. https://zume.training/join-an-online-group
3. Alternative formats that cover most of the material in 90-minute segments or 60-minute segments can be found at https://moredisciples.com/tgroups.
4. Sign up for a 30-day series of emails that introduce the basic concepts at https://moredisciples.com/signup.
5. Page through the basic concepts from point 4 online at https://moredisciples.com/partner.
5. If you are a pastor who is considering transitioning to a multiplicative disciple-making style, consider joining a cohort of fellow pilgrims at https://pastortopioneer.com.
1. The main training site is organized as ten small group sessions of two hours at https://zume.training.
2. Join an online facilitated group if you don’t have a small group to study with. https://zume.training/join-an-online-group
3. Alternative formats that cover most of the material in 90-minute segments or 60-minute segments can be found at https://moredisciples.com/tgroups.
4. Sign up for a 30-day series of emails that introduce the basic concepts at https://moredisciples.com/signup.
5. Page through the basic concepts from point 4 online at https://moredisciples.com/partner.
5. If you are a pastor who is considering transitioning to a multiplicative disciple-making style, consider joining a cohort of fellow pilgrims at https://pastortopioneer.com.
Find a Zúme Training in your language
Discipleship – ‘How to follow Jesus’
Arabic – تدريب زومي – أهلًابك الى عائلة الله!
French/ français – Bienvenue dans la famille de Dieu!
Mandarin (Simple) – 天国酵母-如何跟随耶稣
Mandarin (Traditional) – 天國酵母 -如何跟隨耶穌
Spanish/ Español – Cómo seguir a Jesús
Evangelism – ‘The Gospel and how to share it’
Italian/ Italiano – Il Vangelo e Come CondividerLo
Portuguese – O Evangelho e como compartilhá-lo
Slovenian – Evangelij in kako ga deliti
Discipleship – ‘Multiplying Disciples’
GO Movement unites all believers in pursuit of our central and purest mission: praying for the harvest, caring for the people, sharing the Gospel, and making disciples. That is not a program. As denominations, organizations, and churches, we know programs come and go, but this appeals to our DNA as Christians; to who we are as witnesses for Christ. This is the purpose of the church — this is who we are.
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