A Denver meeting of the GO Coalition took place with 20 partners from global organizations, communities and networks met to discuss the strategy for the next year. The coalition evolved the GO Movement for the next decade reaching the 110 most unreached cities with the gospel. “The meeting was very inspiring and helpful, with very good results.” The experiences from house churches in countries with persecution were included. An important point was that the focus is on Jesus and not on “us.”
“Strategies have been developed with senior ministry leaders to mobilize the worldwide body of Christ to pray for every person on the planet and bring them lovingly and appropriately into a relationship with Jesus. Everyone can reach someone and together we can reach the world.”
Every Home for Christ (EHFC), World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), Global Media Outreach (GMO), GO Movement Africa, Global GO Movement, Empowered 21, Reaching Unreached Nations (RUN), International House of Prayer (IHOP), International Prayer Connect (IPC), Biblica, Every Tribe Every Nation (ETEN), Finishing The Task (FTT), Global Alliance For Church Multiplication (GACX), Grace Church, and Call2All.