Sharing the Gospel regularly as a team

GO Teams will serve you to activate your church. It helps establishing a team of Christian actively sharing the Gospel, as well as making your outreach team reach people even more effectively

What is GO Teams for

Church Growth, Reaching Community, Experience God, Confidence

GO Teams is non-denominational and can be implemented into every church. You will receive ideas, challenges, and teachings every month, to help you reach your community. These are relevant, can be tailored towards a specific audience, but will always be adaptable to your culture. We will teach you how to share the Gospel with confidence and you will see the impact on your community as well as experience God on a deeper level. Imagine the impact it can have: You will see your GO team members grow in faith, developing a lifestyle of evangelism; you will see a change in your neighborhood and growth inside your church. Start building God’s kingdom on earth.

Guide to GO Teams

It will only take you a few steps:

Form a group: Find 5-10 Christians in your church or city willing to share the Gospel.

Equip yourselves: Train yourselves in personal evangelism as a team. 

Prayer and Outreach: Decide when and where to share the gospel regularly, take a time of prayer to prepare yourselves and start sharing the Gospel.

Share your experience: Let us know what God is doing and send us your testimonies.

GO Teams Kids

A special guide to reaching kids

  • Download our guide on how to reach children
  • send a WhatsApp Message to +493049987460. 

In partnership with Hope for One.

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