This year GO Movement Tanzania set as goals to mobilize 10,000 churches, train 1,000,000 believers for GO Month, reach 10,000,000 lost souls and witness 5,000,000 conversions. The results were diffetent to this ambitious figures, but it was all through the gracious work of God.
During GO MONTH evangelism we reached people in the cities, but alsosuccessfully reached out to communities in need such as orphans, widows, elderly and patients in the hospitals. Through GO CARE we shared the Good News with them while covering some of their needs too. Many believers are taking an evangelistic approach in their daily lives and evangelize the needy on a weekly basis. Believers are going out to the streets, markets, neighborhoods, and hospitals.
By the grace of God we were able to mobilize 800,000 Christians, reach 6,000,000 lost souls and witness the conversion of over half a million people among them. This led to hundreds of thousands of baptisms for which we praise God.