We give thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ that we were able to hold GO Month this year in our country. At the beginning of GO Month, we planned to mobilize 200,000 believers. To achieve this goal, we focused on communication through radio, social networks, and developing a large network among churches that could mobilize, train and conduct evangelistic campaigns in their region. With the help of the ministry Christ from house to house, GO Day reached two new regions.
Our country’s population is 85% Muslim of which 70% are radical Muslims who can be agressive and very conservative. Administrative authorities like prefects, and majors are hostile towards Christians which makes it a challenge to share the Gospel. Added to that, there is a low literacy among people in our communities, especially among women, and the social insecutiry due to prostitution and drugs-dealing is a challenge. All these challenges make evangelization difficult in our country but we’ve been able to carry out evangelistic activities regardless.
This year we trained 13 pastors and evangelists, and we launched GO Month in the prefecture of Kissidougou (Faranah Region). We received half a container of evangelical tracts and New Testaments form an associated ministry which enabled us to send enough tracts to each region. We asked every pastor involved in the campaign to mobilize, and train faithful Christians in evangelism and discipleship. This recommendation resulted in a strong mobilization of 85,000 believers on GO Day and 468 churches across the country.
Several evangelists in Kissidougou testified they had never evangelized in their entire lives, but through GO Movement the desire to do so stirred up. The work is great, no single ministry or church can do the work.