We thank God for allowing us to participate in this great movement for the expansion of His kingdom. We are grateful to all the leaders of the Body of Christ in Togo for their commitment and support to the national coordination during the campaign of this year.

During this year, several initiatives marked the activities of the campaign, including the organization and training of street evangelists, the holding of a vision conference, the official launch of the GO Month and the vision promotion and awareness tours in the Savannah, Kara and Central regions. We were also able to establish a regional pre-coordination team with the support of the Coordinator of Francophone Africa of GO Movement who resides in Togo, Pastor Takoudjou Gabriel. God will know how to reward all the good will and great work that played onto a smooth planning and running of the campaign.

We still have an ardent expectation to see more churches and Christian organizations mobilized and more believers become active in the Evangelistic Movement in Togo.

Here are some of the results we witnessed during the GO Month in Togo:

– 185,544 participating Christians in GO Month
– 39,761 reached with the Gospel
– Over 15,000 decisions for Christ
– 12,195 new converts baptized