We decided to make GO Movement known through training conferences from one state to another both online and in person. On the GO Day, several churches carried out different evangelistic activities such as rallies, evangelical film streaming, and outreaches in streets, markets, schools, prisons, hospitals and buses. Different churches did one on one evangelisms, crusades and church planting. Some remarkable partners were the Redeemed Christian Church of God parishes, Foursquare Gospel Church, Assemblies of God, Scripture life Christian center, Mountain of Fire Ministries, etc.
The evangelistic activities carried out were effective in presenting the Gospel and winning souls. Massive crusades and evangelistic activities took place. The most effective form of evangelism was the one-on-one evangelism which also leads to effective discipleship.
The outcomes of the GO Month and GO Day were tremendous as many believers and major ministries took part this year after a very long time. There was revival and many souls were won and are being discipled currently. Some od the results we achieved during and before GO Month are:
– Around 150,000 pastors and Christians trained on evangelism
– Near to 5 million Christians participating in the outreaches national-wide
– 10 million people reached with the Gospel
– Around 3 million decisions for Christ