Pastors and leaders around India were mobilized to discuss initiatives, consultations and training conducted prior to GO Month. Our main focus was in:

– Encouraging churches to accelerate the evangelisitic planning and work
– Motivating believers to share the Gospel with friends, neighbors, colleagues, and family members by praying, caring for people and sharing their faith on social media, phone, email, and let it become a lifestyle
– Training believers to build relationships and share the Gospel in personal conversations

The leadership team conducted meetings with pastors and key leaders of the church who prioritized the entire GO Month exclusively for evangelism. Prayers were organized in the first week in all the Churches for a favorable environment and open doors for evangelism. The regular church activities were put on hold to prioritize evangelism. The FOUR bracelets and other local tools were used to connect with people as we presented the gospel.

There were other tools like the Picture 4 Spiritual Laws and Church local tracts that were distributed too. The churches took it as an opportunity to adopt GO Month as part of their Church initiative. Bibles were also distributed to many people. Something significant we observed with this initiative was that entire families joined together to share with people that they knew. It was such a joyful experience for the church.

For GO Day the churches planned Evangelistic outreaches in the streets and in major intersections. Tea and snacks were provided. The volunteers wore T-shirts with THE FOUR symbols embedded on them. They distributed tracts and shared the gospel too. People were excited about the response they were getting and gained confidence throughout the initiative.

Pastors around India united in the mission of reaching unreached groups with the Gospel. Places that have no Bibles were reached with Christians distributed 10,000 Bibles to unreached groups. This was a coordinated approach of church and paraecclesiastical organizations coming together to reach people.

We believe the impact will be seen in the months to come.
Though it can be dangerous to preach the Gospel in our country we saw:

– 1,819 pastors trained
– 794 participating churches
– 429,480 Christians who participated in GO Month
– 48,432 people reached with the Gospel
– 11,348 decisions for Christ

India was a place where churches worked in an isolated manner because of internal rivalry that is not biblical. The GO Movement helped blend unity among the churches around our country. Thanks to God who worked through the GO Movement, churches are coming together to reach the lost in their cities collaboratively. As we had never seen before, churches worked together unselfishly to bring the Gospel to all.

In India, not only church members are excited to participate in GO Month, but also the children who are trained to share about the love of Christ with their friends. This became a collaborative effort where each member of the family made an effort to share the gospel to set the example. Churches that have been incorporating GO Decade as part of their annual goal are no longer doing evangelism seasonally or as a festival program, but as a regular weekly and monthly initiative.