This year we focused on prayer in Congo Kinshasa as the basis of all spiritual movements because we cannot achieve anything in our own strength. The movement of evangelism started with moments of prayer with the leaders and churches. In preparation for GO Month we held zoom and in-person meetings that would allow us to engage with the attendees, explain our goals, and align with leaders for a successful partnership.
We reached 26 provinces so they could join GO Month and GO Day. Praise the Lord we had Bishop Stephen M. who came to Kinshasa in April to help us mobilize the pastors. In regards to training, we praise God that many churches used materials provided to them such as the Three Steps Manual, in provinces such as Kinshasa.
During the GO Month people shared the Gospel at bus stops, public markets, offices, universities, schools, classrooms, military camps and police stations.
These were the results we obtained during the GO Month:
– 135,425 Christians mobilized
– 104,215 people who received Jesus
– 15,020 new believers being discipled
– 912 believers baptized
– 101 new churches planted
– 52,320 tracts distributed
– 300 Bibles distributed
Eighteen denominations participated in evangelistic activities. The accomplishment of the Great Commission absolutely requires teamwork and collaboration with the body of Christ. To encourage and continue this collaboration, it is necessary to initiate a formal PARTNERSHIP with the church, ministries and missionary agencies.
Despite the difficulties of finances and the lack of materials, we were blessed that local churches and pastors around the country APPROPRIATED the vision of the Global Outreach Movement and God provided what we needed. The Gospel of Christ was powerfully proclaimed during the month of MAY 2022 and was closed with the Day of Global Evangelism on May 28th. Thus, we note that SOULS WERE SAVED, workers were trained, new churches and cells were planted. Over the course of a month and One day, one message was delivered all around the Democratic Republic of Congo.