The Month of Global Outreach and Church Planting was carried out through training, praying, caring, sharing the Gospel and planting faith groups and churches. Several training sessions took place in these towns in the Republic of Congo: Brazzaville, Pointe-Noire, Dolisie, Ouesso, etc.
Prior to the “GO Day” several Christian communities organized prayer before the outreaches. We also received reports from two Christian communities that showed care through donating blood and food supplies. We evangelized through showing the Jesus film, handing out Gospel tracts and with outreaches through groups and personally.
Faith groups were started and new churches being planted. One community reported joyfully that they baptized 21 new believers.
Here are the statistics we received that amount for 50% of the expected results:
– 10 trainings sessions
– 577 Christians trained
– 3,284 people reached with the Gospel
– 683 new believers
– 15 new Bible study groups
– 7 churches planted
– 63 people baptized