“Prayer sessions were held in various places, there were even fasting and prayer programs for GO Month,” recalls Simon Pierre Bahembe Mabiala of Campus for Christ and GO Movement coordinator in Congo Brazzaville. In two cities of the country, in Pointe-Noire and Sibiti, training sessions were held on evangelization and church planting strategies, as well as on the use of evangelistic tracts.
“Evangelization took place according to different approaches: marches, door-to-door evangelization, personal evangelization, screening of evangelistic films, distribution of evangelistic tract and Bibles, proclamation of the Gospel in markets, streets and in certain neighborhoods. In addition, a Christian congregation has assembled a team of 50 evangelists to preach the gospel once a month in a specific neighborhood. This decision follows the official launch of the Decade of Evangelism 2023-2033.” According to the report, 1271 Christians were active in GO Month 2023, and 9310 people found Jesus.