An African GO Movement leader visited Dubai in the United Arab Emirates to share his faith. One encounter shows exactly what the GO Movement is all about.
An African GO Movement leader visited Dubai in the United Arab Emirates to share his faith. “We must sow the seed of the Gospel everywhere,” he writes. “Today I spoke for 45 minutes with a Hindu couple in Dubai. I started with a simple conversation about basic aspects of life and the profession of each of us, then we talked about politics and business opportunities, and finally followed the classic questions that gave the impetus to share the gospel: ‘What is the religion like in India?’, ‘What do you believe in?’, ‘Can you tell me a little bit about Hinduism?’ I let them explain something to themselves, and when they said they were Hindus but not very practicing, it was my turn to ask questions like, ‘Why aren’t you very religious?’, ‘Do you think you’re good people?’ or, ‘Would you consider yourself better than Bin Laden?'”
“We need to think about it”
He asked a series of questions, and at the right moment, he spoke about “THE FOUR” depicted on his T-shirt. It turned out to be a long conversation. “In the end, they said, ‘We need to think more about our religiosity. We don’t care much, and it’s not good for our daughter if she grows up like us.” The seeds have been sown, and God is taking care of the further process because they now have the choice to choose the presented Jesus.”
That’s what the GO Movement is all about: Christians are mobilized to talk about their faith and to bring about exactly such food for thought.