Everyone can reach someone.
Together we can reach the world!

Everything you need to know about GO Movement.

Our vision and Strategy

We want to see every believer sharing the Gospel until everyone on earth has had the opportunity to decide for Christ, playing our part in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

Our Partners and endorsers

GO Movement is a network of ministries with the shared passion for the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

Leadership and Collaboration

A single organization cannot do it on its own. We build a board of spiritual leaders from different organizations and denominations.

Our History

The vision for what later became the GO Movement was received in 2010. And the first step towards it was the GO Day (Global Outreach Day) in 2012.

Coming Soon: Nation Overview

Christians all over the world are part of the GO Movement.
Find a local GO Team.

We want to work together

Do you and you ministry/organisation/denomination want to become a part of the movement and work together with other ministries? Send us a message. 

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